Personal Letter – Construct a letter focused on persuading the reader to change his or her stance or opinion.

Student’s Name




Personal Letter

Dear Eric,

I would like to share with you some views about same-sex marriage and list reasons why it should be discouraged and condemned using the strongest terms possible. This is considering that even in the Bible, marriage is defined as the connection between a man as well as a woman, not people of the same sex. As a friend, consider dropping the perception of getting married to a fellow man. Gates advised that individuals of the same sex must not marry, regardless of the circumstances (67). Besides, God created man and woman and put sex in place to ensure they sire children to continue their lineage upon living the mortal world. People of the same sex cannot sire children; hence must not be permitted to stay together as man and wife.  You ought to understand that traditional morals in the world do not indicate instances when men married fellow men or women got engaged with people of the same gender. The purpose of this letter is to inform on the disadvantages of same-sex marriage and why it should be abolished. The three key arguments I put across are that; children starve for their real parents, leads to instances of infidelity, and finally is the reality that marriages flourish when spouses concentrate on gender-typical duties. 

There is clear proof that individuals of the same sex cannot sire offspring, and in the event they require descendants. Others use crude means to satisfy their sexual desires. You should understand that same-sex couples utilizing Vitro fertilization and surrogate parents intentionally develop a category of children who mature away from their genetic parents. In society, several problems emerge when children become of age and understand that people they living with are not their biological parents. In such cases, children may start asking questions regarding their biological parents since almost everyone have the urge to know the exact background and lineage. I am certain that some children who are brought up with single parents might develop hatred towards their mothers of fathers after understanding the cause of the breakup. Therefore, it is important to grow up as an upright person follows the traditional morals of marriage. This will ensure that families will live happily and enjoy the ties that bind them together. 

As noted by Gates, “majority of infidelity cases are reported from people who are not sexually satisfied,” (67). Since people of diverse genders were created for purposes of satisfaction, homosexuals might not attain that gratification in their marriages and will resort to cheating on their spouses. This means that instead of breaking up and walking out of the marriage, spouses cheat on one another mainly due to their selfish desires. I assure you that among the significant risks that same-sex union offers relationships is that it likely enhances the norm of infidelity. You should understand that there is a higher likelihood of comprehension of the requirement for extramarital outings between two women or men compared to people of different sexes. This is one factor that condemns the prevalence of same-sex marriages. My advice is that to reduce extramarital affairs, you should marry a person of the opposite sex. 

It is time to open your eyes to the reality that institutionalizing same-sex marriages and commitments would make people perceive you negatively. There is room to change such behaviors and live happily like other members of society. I would urge you to focus on changing your views and consider living as a straight person. There are many examples where people despise individuals engage with people of the same sex. You should also know that marriages prosper when people specialize in gender-specific duties alongside being attentive to the precise requirements and aspirations of wives and husbands.  

In our society, same-sex marriage is always inconsistent since it hurts the dignity of marriage. Further, homosexuals and gays are often considered a threat to society. This is a perception that is founded on ill-founded beliefs about such people. There are several reasons that I can provide to clarify the concept. For instance, gay couples legitimize morally wrong relationships, especially in a society that considers marriage to be acceptable between a man and a woman. Next, there is a less likelihood of divorce in events when the wife focuses on childbirth and bearing, while men emphasize on providing for their families. In such a case, all parties to marriage understand their duties. Hence they should operate towards fulfilling their part of the bargain. Here, men and women respect one another and would, therefore, do anything to ensure they make the other person happy. In same-sex marriages, for instance, where men marry fellow men, there might be instances of disrespect, and thus problems in the union. 

Therefore, I am appealing to you to reconsider the idea of getting married to a fellow man. Such marriages and relationships are not only absurd, but they reflect the dirty moral traits individuals across the globe have developed. As indicated in the holy book, marriage is between a man as well as a woman. Marriage is not only about companionship but also to sire children since this is the way God requires individuals to give life. A marriage between a man and another man or a woman and another does not provide experience because, in this case, children cannot be sired. The key reason why same-sex marriages should be condemned using the strongest terms is the reality that children would desire residing with the biological parents and the fact that homosexuality increases the chances of infidelity. Finally, marriages succeed when a man and woman understand their roles and works towards addressing them.

Work Cited

Gates, Gary J. “Marriage and family: LGBT individuals and same-sex couples.” The Future of 

Children (2015): 67-87.