This week’s online discussion question refers to the framework discussed in this week’s reading (which we also used during the lecture): Hilbert, M. (2012). Towards a Conceptual Framework for ICT for Development: Lessons Learned from the Latin American Cube Framework. Information Technologies & International Development, 8/4, 243259; (Links to an external site.) After reading the article, answer the following question: What do you think is the biggest change in society due to digitalization? Choose your example. Then use a version of the “digital development cube” to explain the different aspects of your example. Give examples of the involved horizontal layers, vertical sector(s), and diagonal areas. Why are those aspects important in your cube? Does your cube focus on the international, national, local, or personal level? What would be some policies/strategies in the diagonal areas? While answering the question, orient yourself on the grading rubrics outlined in the Course Syllabus. After you posted your response, comment on the post of somebody else. You must choose a post that has less than 5 comments (your comment can max be the fifths).