Paper details: Write answers to TWO discussion questions. Which are listed below. The answers should not just summarize readings but show reflection on how the readings address important issues, are flawed in particular dimensions, or can be developed or improved in specific directions. The answers should not be longer than 400-450 words per question, they should be well structured and throughout include references to the course literature (reference list is not included in the word count). At least two references to course literature per answer are required, with page numbers. You are welcome to use additional academic literature, but course literature is a must! Important to think about: Plagiarism will result in F grade be aware that our university use urkund plagiarism detector. The answer should not be more then 400-450 word per question. It is very important so remember it plz. For every question you must have at least two references from our course literature which is must. I mean from the attached document you must have two references. Beside that you can use any academic paper, academic journal, and academic website to complete the question but dont use Wikipedia, students paper only academic resources are allowed. Inside citation very important throw-out the question with page number if possible! Reference list in Hayward style at the end of the page is important. Dont forget that! The most important thing is that the text should be written in an easy way and easy to understand with clear structure. Which is very important! The questions: 1. Read the text of Hansson about the queue billion in Swedish health care that criticize the NPM (New Public Management) model. What are the main problems they identify? Do you think these management problems could be solved by using other management models? For example using NWS (Neo Weberian states) or NPG (New public governance) model if yes How? 2. What is characteristic of the work of street-level bureaucrats and what kinds of problems does it give rise to, according to Lipsky/Hupe & Hill; Meyers & Lehmann Nielsen? If you want to know: The book we are studying is by the name of (The politics of bureaucracy) an introduction to comparative public administration