Appendix Critical Review Critical Review: Content and Style This assignment is described as a critical review, which means that you should model it on the kind of literature reviews you see in academic papers. A review has a strategy and a set of themes that it works through, drawn from the papers it is reviewing. In this appendix we will look at an example of this in action. You also add an extra dimension to the review, by using evidence from your own experience which relates to and illustrates the themes in the review. This dimension will not be found in our example. An Example Paper, and its Critical Review We will look at some aspects of a paper that is related to our assignment, it looks at theory and prac-tice in management education: Perriton and Hodgson, 2012. Positioning theory and practice question(s) within the field of management learning Attach appendix to existing work , See example below . Contents Introduction 3 Critical Discussion 3 Conclusions 3 References 3 Appendix Critical Review 4 Critical Review: Content and Style 4 An Example Paper, and its Critical Review 4