Prepare a 1000-word essay on an article that addresses a current event or issue related to a topic of organizational change and/or motivating followers. This paper must be written in 6th edition APA format. As you read the article, consider all that you have read and discussed in this course to this point. The essay should summarize the article and critique it according to the theories looked at in this class and the class readings; it must include a discussion of how the principles in this course related (or did not relate) to the article. The essay should highlight agreement and disagreement with the author, providing clear logic and scholarly sources that serve as foundations for opinions. See the syllabus for grading guidelines.Use the Concept paper template outline and use the following headings:Article Summary & Critiquesummarize the article and critique it according to the theories looked at in this class and the class readings;PrinciplesThis section will include a discussion of how the principles in this course related (or did not relate) to the article.ReflectionThis section should highlight agreement and disagreement with the author, providing clear logic and scholarly sources that serve as foundations for opinions. Think of this as a literature review that supports or does not support the article.Course Books:Encouraging the Heart, Kouzes & Posner, 2003. Jossey-Bass, ISBN: 9780787964634Leading Change; John P. Kotter, 2012. Harvard Business School Press, ISBN: 9781422186435Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition; Northouse, 2012. SAGE Publications, ISBN: 9781412974752Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Self Leadership, Blanchard, Fowler, & Hawkins, 2005. HarperCollins Publishers Inc., ISBN:9780060799120