Each of the popular essays below explores, in different ways, how emotion shapes individual and collective responses to climate change. For this journal entry, your task is to:1. Read all ten essays and reflect on their connection to the course materials and to your own life.2. Prepare responses to the four question prompts below. Be sure your personal reflections demonstrate engagement with the assigned essays and with the course materials.3. Responses should be written in 11 or 12 pt font, single spaced. Your entire assignment should be between 2 and 2.5 pages, including the prompts. Prepare this as a separate document and submit it in class on Thurs. October 17, or by 11:30am that day to the Geography Department Drop Box (Loeb B342).The essays can be found at the following URLs:https://reneelertzman.com/the-truth-about-apathy/https://culanth.org/fieldsights/relationshipshttps://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/may/09/i-have-felt-hopelessness-over-climate-change-here-is-how-we-move-past-the-immense-griefhttps://www.culturalsurvival.org/news/indigenous-values-climate-changehttps://medium.com/s/story/sorry-yall-but-climate-change-ain-t-the-first-existential-threat-b3c999267aa0https://onbeing.org/blog/kate-marvel-we-need-courage-not-hope-to-face-climate-change/https://theconversation.com/hope-and-mourning-in-the-anthropocene-understanding-ecological-grief-88630https://www.hcn.org/articles/opinion-addressing-climate-grief-makes-you-a-badass-not-a-snowflakehttps://popula.com/2019/08/19/the-case-for-climate-rage/https://grist.org/article/4-corrections-for-jonathan-franzen-and-other-climate-cowards/Reflection question prompts:1. Many essays reflect on the political consequences of emotion. What are some of the political dangers the authors explore with respect to emotions like fear, despair, and apathy? What are some of the political possibilities of emotions such as hope, love, and rage? Draw on at least three authors in your response.2. Some writers explore the racialized, gendered, and colonial aspects of “feeling” in relation to climate change. What are their claims? How does this connect to course materials covered so far?3. Choose 1-2 emotions discussed in the essays (hope, fear, despair, rage, anxiety, courage, apathy, grief, love, etc) that you feel are important in your own life. What role does this emotion(s) play in your relationship with climate change? How do the essays expand, shift, affirm, or challenge you to relate differently?4. In week 4 we learned that neoliberalism emphasizes a culture of individuality, which results in social and political isolation, the equation of political action with personal consumption, and an emphasis on self-responsibility over collectivity, community, and public services. Do you see any connections between these essays and the individualizing aspects of neoliberalism?