This is not a regular essay assignment. You need to prepare either a video, flyer, social media marketing campaign, etc. Please read the instructions before placing your bid.
Your goal will be to develop a digital ad campaign discussing a relevant and appropriate health behaviour. This campaign may address any health behavior prevalent in todays
society. You want to ensure that your topic is not too broad and is focused and targeted towards a specific subpopulation or audience.
You will have complete creative freedom to use whatever medium you wish. This can include a digital promotional flyer, short video (no more than 2 mins), website, animated short (no more than 2 mins), social media marketing campaign (Facebook, email, flyer/blast)…….the world is your oyster! The only caveat is that regardless of whatever product you choose, the content must be based on valid, relevant, and referenced evidence. You can use any recognized referencing format
The references can be made within the presentation or at the end in a reference slide. You
may present the references in any generally accepted style as long as all the relevant
information is there. Be sure to provide hyperlinks where possible. Make sure all of the facts
and statistics you cite in your campaign can be verified and are from a reliable source. You
may use any reference style you wish as long as all the relevant information is there. Make
sure all aspects of your presentation are original and not simply taken from another
source……this is YOUR campaign.
The goal of your campaign is to:
educate your audience
convince them in the change in health behavior
provide some statistics or evidence (preferably Canadian)
there must be a clear take home message
be sure to provide facts in the Canadian context
creativity counts for this assignment…think outside of the box
Marks will be given:
if your health behaviour is clearly stated and you have an obvious stance
if statistics are provided and referenced
if you have a take home statement
for level of creativity, appeal, and novelty
your ad campaign makes the user consider the information presented