Discuss what is correct and what is incorrect in the following statement:

1. Discuss what is correct and what is incorrect in the following statement:

A good management information system should provide the
manager with as much information as possible and that information
should be provided in no more than five seconds after it is
Justify why you evaluated the statement as you did.

2. Consider the principles of Systems Thinking and Design Thinking that we discussed earlier in
the semester. Discuss how the government either did or did not demonstrate they were using
systems thinking in the recent decision to pull troops from the Kurdish region. Remember the
goal is to discuss the principles of systems thinking, not to discuss politics. You may discuss it
from any perspective that helps you demonstrate your understanding of Systems Thinking.

3. Suppose your boss asked you to summarize the results of the various reports from the
Standish Group and to explain how it drives systems analysis.

4. Discuss the business rules for locating and purchasing a book online.

Answer each question clearly and neatly. Type the answer to questions, and allow no more
than 2 pages each, double spaced with 1″ margins. LABEL the question you believe you are
answering. If I cannot read your answer or understand your grammar, or if you provide multiple
answers, the answer will be wrong.