Write a short story of between 350 and 550 words (+/- 10% margin) to illustrate the decision-making processes (cognitive and emotional) a customer with your persona (personality traits, background, lifestyle, social style and demographics) go through when deciding to purchase a MATTRESS OR small FRIDGE for your flat (NOT BOTH). Please see this assignment as a story-telling exercise, and use the example uploaded to the Assessment folder of MKTG710 Blackboard portal for guidance. You DO NOT need to provide academic support, theory, citations, theoretical frameworks or references for your story. You also DO NOT need to describe your persona (in this story, it is Part 2 of this assignment) within the story. You DO need to describe the thought processes, decisions, actions and preconceived ideas carefully in order to develop an engaging story about a short period in the life of a future mattress/fridge owner(and his/her influencers). Stay true to yourself and it should be an easy story to write. Please use the elements of a good story (as discussed in the additional readings online and in the provided example), e.g. have a lead character/protagonist; use first person dialogue, write in active voice using crisp, clear, concise phraseology and start with a very good opening that will immediately put your reader right in the middle of the need/dilemma/ issue or experience. Take care to discuss cognitive, emotional and social experiences from the point of problem/need identification, through at least three stages in the decision process (discussed in class or review the EKB consumer decision stages model). Consider how the sales professional made you feel and why.