The assignment is : Review recent literature on some aspect of reading development, assessment, or intervention in a special population of children. For example, they might be children learning English as a second or foreign language, or children with a developmental disorder. Namely, (ADHD, autism, Down syndrome, hearing loss, or developmental language disorder) A specific question or questions should be addressed, and the review should cover the most recent literature and include a summary table highlighting relevant aspects. Note: First, You must create A Specific Research Question in one aspect such as in Autism or Down Syndrome or Hearing Loss or Developmental Language Disorder. Second, After creating a specific question, the Review Should cover the most recent literature and include a summary table highlighting relevant aspects. Please, See the Assignment Instruction file for more details of the assignment. In This file, there is an example given by the teacher on how to do the assignment. You need to follow the structure of the assignment as the teacher used. I will upload the followings: 1- The assignment Instruction File. 2- The Marking Criteria. 3- 11 Articles The Articles 1, 2, 3 refer to (Autism) The Articles 4,5 refer to ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) The Articles 6, 7 refer to ( Down Syndrome). The Articles 8, 9 refer to ( Hearing Loss). The Articles 10, 11 refer to ( Developmental Language Disorder)