In 2000 words Analyse (or plan an analysis of) your wider work environment through the lens of public value. You should choose one of the choices below in providing examples of opportunities or barriers to: 1- promoting your organisations values and mission 2- supporting decision making processes 3- encouraging ethics, equality and equity 4- developing sustainable learning within the organisation Guidance Notes for Assignment: Your pledge will help you to identify your focus and you may wish to draw upon some of the findings from assignment 1 (your poster). Based on your analysis, your assignment should propose a brief action plan that will help you to implement your pledge and incorporate the principles of public value. You do not need to implement this for the assignment, but you will be required to show how your intended action would help you to implement your pledge and what would need to change in support of this, basing your conclusions on your analysis and literature review through the public value lens. Examples (not exhaustive): You may wish to explore whether your organisation has explicit values and vision statements and to consider the extent to which the leadership mobilises people towards this vision through creating and demonstrating public value. How empowered are individuals within the process of decision making and the capacity and capability to influence issues that support public value? Most healthcare leaders use a mix of ethical models. To what extent does your organisation recognise the importance of ethics and equity in the creation and demonstration of public value? Is your organisation committed to building the capacity and capability of its people in sustaining public value? The POSTER instruction: Draw on your reflections from weeks 1 to week 3, but in particular focus on understanding, creating, demonstrating and sustaining public value, but within the context of the creation of a values-based vision and the need for adaptive leadership. Your assignment task is: You should create a Public Value Profile poster that: Demonstrates your understanding of the essential elements of creating and demonstrating public value; Aligns your understanding to your own organisations vision, mission and objectives with evidence of either/both strengths and weaknesses based on your learning; and Is eye-catching and visually motivating to attract the interest of the different public value stakeholders. You should also take into account the four golden threads, particularly patient centred care and how patient engagement is supported by innovation and creative networks. Guidance Notes for poster: There is no set format for your poster, but it should clearly not exceed one page. You will build on your learning from this assignment in assignment 2. combo order: 7 page assignment + 1 poster