Please read the directions sent to me: Please add 5 pages to the literature review as well as fix the comments made in the rubric as well as the right-hand side of the document. Directions were given to me by my advisor that need to be addressed: I have reviewed your chapter 2 and submitted it in your course for a grade since it was due today (10/24/19). Please note that I have entered some of my comments which should be addressed and corrected. Also, there still isnt enough pages to meet the requirement of a minimum of 30 research pages of literature research. You will notice that I have used the track changes in the word document program to entered my comments in the right hand margin, template, and in some cases the text. What you need to do to make the corrections permanent that I have indicated or suggested is by retyping the word, words, sentences, or punctuation that I have entered because when I use the track changes you will see the word, words sentences, or punctuation underlined. As you delete the word, words sentences, or punctuation that I have entered then you will see that they are removed permanently. Please remember when you make the corrections to make sure that you do not use the track changes feature on your word document to enter any of your changes.