Interview anyone who has social obligations and commitments of a non-business nature (e.g., anyone who has family, friends, romantic partner(s), civic, or church connections, etc.), summarize them, and link to concepts of Moral Philosophy.

The paper should have from 800 to 1000 words. It is designed as a major essay (Term Paper)
which demonstrates the analytical/synthetic and interpretative approach to Ethics. It must
provide a short ethical interview based either on a variant A or B. A) Interview anyone who
earns money, summarize his/her business practices as well as beliefs and connect these
professional principles with issues of Moral Philosophy. Then, analyze them stressing ethical
terms and concepts from the class material. B) Interview anyone who has social obligations
and commitments of a non-business nature (e.g., anyone who has family, friends, romantic
partner(s), civic, or church connections, etc.), summarize them, and link to concepts of Moral
Philosophy. Then, analyze the interview comprehensively applying ethical ideas and terms we
studied in the Moral Philosophy I class. Focus on one specific area only (e.g., Rules of a Good
Doctor/Caregiver, or Principles of a Church Member) chosen either from a variant A or B but
not both. All interviews must be organized in a form of an essay (using MLA citation rules)