Instructions: Please see the attached form, which is titled (Form) And follow the same method in order and in the writing and structure of the paper. Proposal Write an 8-10-page pre-proposal following these prompts: 1) A research topic. A broad subject matter addressed in the study. 2) Background of the study. What is the general problem of interest to you? In what settings does this problem occur, and whom does it affect? What did you find in the literature about the problem? What is already known? What are the current best explanations of the problem? What issues remain to be understood? How do you situate yourself with respect to this inquiry (positionality)? 3) What theoretical/conceptual framework is the study going to use to understand the problem? 4) A problem statements. A general issue, concern, controversy that narrows the topic. It is a rationale for the problem based on past research and practice. 5) A study purposes. The major objective or intent of the study used to address the problem. 6) Research questions narrow the purpose into specific questions that the researcher would like to address. Quantitative studies develop hypothesis (declarative statements in which a researcher makes a prediction about the outcome) and variables (independent & dependent). Qualitative studies should articulate a clear phenomenon of interest/central phenomenon. 7) Research methodology. A plan of action or design lying behind the choice of particular methods. Describe the proposed sampling procedure, and the research design and procedures (What are your data sources? How will your data allow you to answer your research questions?) *it is necessary to explain fully not only the steps of the process but to also provide the theory behind the methodology in order to assist readers in comprehending the full scope of what is intended to be accomplished by the research. ___________________________________________ The Topic International students’s Perceptions of the utility of Artificial Intelligence (Intelligent Personal Assist Tools) in EFL learning Research Design The study will adopt a quantitative research design, a non-experimental approach, a cross-sectional survey The sample All Saudi students female and male students in the US, whether they are studying EFL at institutions language in the US, or they studying bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. Artificial Intelligent Personal Assist Tools: AI Voice assistants. Voice assistants are increasingly becoming part of education and countries such as France have authorized their use by teachers. There are numerous options in the market but only a few (., Google Assistant) can benefit any teacher speaking any internationally recognized language. Cortana. Microsofts assistant Siri. Apple’s personal assistant Google Assistant. A personal assistant offered by Google Amazon Echo. A personal assistant developed by