This assignment will form a building block for the final project by requiring you to write an initial draft of the methods, data analysis, and anticipated results
sections of your paper.
Prompt: The sections included in this milestone follow the Literature Review section in your paper (your introduction from Milestone Three). The Methods
section should describe the participants to be studied and the methods to be used for the proposed research project.
Recall in Module Five that you had the opportunity to participate in PSY 520 experiments (Qualtrics surveys). Keep this in mind as you think about writing the
Methods section. Also, keep in mind that sample size will be limited based on your use of PSY 510 and PSY 520 classmates. You are expected to have 7 to 10
participants for your research study when you conduct it in PSY 520. This information will help for your subsection on participation.
For your procedure, you will use the survey tool called Qualtrics. Visit the Qualtrics Survey Module Overview page, which will help you write your procedures
section. Do not set up a Qualtrics account yet; you will be doing so in PSY 520.
The Data Analysis section should discuss the basic plan for analyzing the data, and the Anticipated Results section should discuss the expected findings. Make
sure your paper is formatted like a research article. You will want to start with your main heading: Method. Then you have second-level headings: Participants,
Materials, Procedure, and Data Analysis. Then you have the next main heading: Anticipated Results.
Your submission should include all of the following elements:
Description of the participants you plan to use in your study (you will need at least seven PSY 510 and/or PSY 520 students to respond to your survey)
Description of the materials that will be used in the study and why they are most appropriate for your proposal
Description of the procedures that will be used to collect data and how they will address your research question
Discussion of any ethical concerns you can foresee with the study and steps that could be taken to remedy them
Explanation of the procedures you plan to use to prepare your raw data for analysis
Explanation of the analytic procedures for analyzing data and how they will help obtain valid and reliable research results
Description of which descriptive statistics will be most informative in answering your research question and why
Discussion of how your proposed data analysis methods are ethical, as outlined by the APAs principles and standards
Prediction of your expected findings or anticipated results
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch
margins. This paper should be a minimum of 4 pages (not including cover page and references), and it should cite several peer-reviewed sources.
Link for survey editor