Identify major strengths and weaknesses in relation to the goals of the author.

Write a book review on the book: The Rise of the American Security State: The National Security Act of 1947 and the Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy by Ken Bolton. Please include the following: Introduction – The review should identify main themes and the author’s thesis Summary – Please be concise and provide a summary of the main arguments and address the goal of the author. THIS SHOULD BE A SMALL PORTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT About the author – Please offer some basic biographical information about the author and outline his qualifications. ALSO VERY SHORT Analysis – This should be the crux of the paper where you provide a thorough analysis and assessment of the research methods, arguments, points, and documentary evidence used by the author in addressing themes in the book. THIS IS THE CORE ELEMENT OF THE ASSIGNMENT Strengths/Weaknesses: Identify major strengths and weaknesses in relation to the goals of the author. ALSO A CORE ELEMENT. Conclusion: The review should end with a conclusion summarizing insights on the book and general assessment.