How the Irish Saved Civilization” During the Iron Age, the entire Western Europe and Britain had been swamped by the Latin and Roman culture.

Write a 3-4 page analysis paper, double spaced, Times New Roman. This paper should follow APA guidelines and must include a bibliography & citations. It should analyze the importance (as it pertained to your designated reading) of religion & philosophy on the Middle Ages. This should be handed in via the How The Irish Saved Civilization Paper assignment on “How the Irish Saved Civilization” During the Iron Age, the entire Western Europe and Britain had been swamped by the Latin and Roman culture. Barbarian cultures after the Iron age would then sweep the culture elements of western Europe and Britain. Ireland is the only country that was able to preserve its oral tradition elements which are universally classified as mythology. It strongly stood and overcame Roman influences from the Dark Age. Not much was preserved in written form. Therefore, a lot of information regarding culture and tradition was lost. The church of St. Patrick had begun dismissing some practices terming them as, the work of the devil (Cahill, 2010). In the fall of the 11th century, there was a major change. The monasteries started documenting the particulars of the old mythology. It is regarded that illiteracy was the determinant of civilization. The imperialist Roman, Germany and Greece powers managed to brainwash the entire Western Europe and Britain sake for Ireland on the basis that all of them remained uneducated and uninformed. Though there were chaos that had begun emerging back home in Rome and Greece during the Iron and the period of transition to the Dark Age, it was Ireland that had been pivotal in ensuring that civilization was saved. part of summary and the other part on next message