How do Gunaratna and Oreg’article (2010) and the blog post might be related?

Please, answer the following two questions. Submit one single document (word, pdf, or a format that can be opened with a pc) with a separate answer for each question. The expected length of the submitted document is about a page and a half in total (single-space and regular 1-inch margins). Thank you! Question 1. Summarize Kilberg’s article (2012) as follows: describe the article’s goal; the 4 types of organizational structure and the factors that affect it (both internal and external ); Kilberg’s hypotheses; data used to test these hypotheses; findings (no need to report all details from the regression analysis, just provide a summary of the general findings and of the author’s conclusions). Please conclude with your assessment of the article (i.e. pros and cons, or a novel idea you liked or did not like, or what you found interesting/useful or not interesting, and why). MIN 3/4 of a page – MAX 1 page. Single space. 1-inch margins. Provide in-text citations. Question 2. Refer to the two readings (the article and the blog post) about Al Qaeda. () Briefly describe Al Qaeda organizational structure as reported in Gunaratna and Oreg’s article (2010). () Does Kilberg’s article (2012) help to explain Al Qaeda’s organizational structure? If so, how and why? Please explain. () What is your opinion about the blog post on the future of Al Qaeda? How do Gunaratna and Oreg’article (2010) and the blog post might be related? MIN 3/4 of a page – MAX 1 page. Single space. 1-inch margins. Provide in-text citations.