Faith Integration with People with Disabilities

Faith Integration Part II Student is required to either research content assigned or not assigned, in the Bible or other resources. These concepts have pertinent implications for the practice of rehabilitation nursing. Provide at least one example on how each concept applies to your nursing practice. 1) Societal attitudes towards the disabled. Provide example. Reference/s cited. (3 points) 2) The doctrine of creation and the fall; and its relation to illness and disabilities. Provide example. Reference/s cited. (3 points) 3) The response of your faith tradition to the disabled. Provide example. Reference/s cited. (3 points) 4) Jewish Laws regarding Clean vs. Unclean and how does this play a part in todays society. Provide example. Reference/s cited. (3 points) 5) The concept of healing. Provide example. Reference/s cited. (3 points) 6) The concept of health AND your own personal definition of health.