You are to create a memo presenting an HRM issue analysis to leaders in your organization. The text of your memorandum should be no more than 1 page in length, double-spaced, in 12 point font. As discussed in the previous, research assignment, you will be reflecting on one of the following topics:
Fair Labor Standards Act Should the minimum salary threshold ($23,660/year) be increased?Consider: What it is, why it emerged, amendments and changes.
The Family and Medical Leave Act Should it be expanded to provide paid leave? Consider: What it is, why it emerged, amendments, pros and cons for employees and employers.
The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) Should the ADAAmendment Act be rescinded? Consider: What it is, why it emerged, amendments, pros and cons for employees and employers.
Your analysis should include the following components:
Brief summary of opposing viewpoints.
Your position on the issue with source-based justification and refutation of counterpoint.
Proper citations and references (MLA format).
Use your sources, but do not limit yourself to those sources that you included in the predatory assignment.
Consider this structure and approach:
Research the issue so that you understand the central argument within the greater context of the issue, law, etc. For example, if you do not understand the meaning of the FLSA exemption minimum salary threshold and that it is not the same as the minimum wage, then it is incumbent upon you to read and research until you do.
Briefly state the point of opposing positions for your topic (e.g. should FMLA include a paid leave requirement for employers?)
Discuss one viewpoint (that you oppose) on that very issue and specific points supporting that viewpoint, with evidence or credible source support to back it (using in-text citation in MLA format).
Discuss the oppositional viewpoint (with which you agree) on that very issue and specific points supporting that viewpoint, with evidence or credible source support to back it (using in-text citation in MLA format).
Very briefly conclude and summarize
List references in proper MLA format