Evaluate the economic impacts of supply chain management (SCM) and how the development of supply sources, vendors, and logistics builds overall company value into the enterprise. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of SCM and what aspects are most important with the following types of businesses (please prepare a table): global company B2B; Domestic B2C service provider; Web supplier of automotive parts; Consulting services offered world wide; Construction company; Mineral Commodity Exporter; Import jewelry reseller. Judge what role is played by marketing, finance, engineering, customer service, operations, and legal in the creation and foundation of SCM. Critique various SCM schemas based on vendor quality, price, delivery, inventory, and support and weight selection criteria for best overall vendor selections. Choose vendors based on network, flexibility, design capability, customizable depth, unique support services, overall quality standards, location, national resource attributes, economics and financial offerings, and rank each aspect of these vendors to each of the following scenarios: raw material supplier, electronic sub contractor, machinery manufacturer for resale, appliance provider for resale, service resource for systems support, educational institution, specialty hardware IT provider; please provide rationale for each vendor type and defend selection criteria. Book- Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, and Bowersox (2013). Supply Chain Logistics Management. (4th Edition). Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company. 9780078024054 Instructions Use scholarly sources to support your position. Suggest using to search for peer-reviewed sources such as journal articles. Paraphrase your sources and cite them appropriately according to APA guidelines. Quotations should be used sparingly This is your opportunity to demonstrate the use of your own words and thoughts, supported by your research. Should be completed in APA 6th edition format.