Here are the instructions: 2009 marked the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincolns birth; therefore, it is only fitting that we look to Lincoln, arguably our greatest president, to understand more fully the causes, meaning and significance of the Civil War. You will find the following documents as web links in Bb as content buttons: Lincolns 1861 First Inaugural Address, Lincolns Gettysburg Address and his 1865 Second Inaugural Address. You are to read these documents carefully and then write an essay, with a clear thesis, in which you address each of the following points: A. Based on these documents, how do you think Lincoln understood the causes of the Civil War? Be specific. B. Based on these documents, how do you think Lincoln understood the significance of the Civil War? Support your answer with examples. C. Finally, conclude with your own interpretation of the significance of the Civil War and Reconstruction for American history. Do you agree or disagree with Lincolns interpretation? Lincolns First Inaugural Address is available at: Lincolns Gettysburg Address is available at: Lincolns Second Inaugural Address is available at: