Write on a question/topic of your choice that you find interesting about one of our plays or a character in a play; both your question and answer will be evaluated in the grade.

GREEK DRAMA Advice for Three-Page Paper (Due October 17, 2019) The paper is due on October 17 either in hard copy brought to class or by email to me by 11:59 pm. Please word process in standard letter format using 12-pt font, double-spaced. Write on a question/topic of your choice that you find interesting about one of our plays or a character in a play; both your question and answer will be evaluated in the grade. Class lectures, the Story/Allan Guide (especially the play-summaries), and the introductions and notes in our assigned editions will suggest the sort of questions you might write on. Staging and acting a play are legitimate topics. Work with the plays themselves rather than with secondary sources. If you quote from the plays, cite by marginal line numbers rather than by page; but use quotations very sparingly: they should not dominate, as a substitute for your own discussion. Plays you can have to choose from that we have discussed in class: Sophocles, Oedipus the Tyrant Sophocles, Antigone Euripides, Medea Aeschylus, Agamemnon Oresteia