Write a report detailing the process of writing a placement test for an English center that will help allow teacher to place students in appropriate classes (based on CEFR beginner pre-A1 to A2). Please try to find example from Google for while writing report, you can bring in variety of techniques ranging from Multiple Choice, Y/N T/F, short answer, gap-filled or cloze procedure or word matching to design 4 questions for 4 skills. You don’t need to write the actual test, just find a text materials on Google that you think is suitable to design the test items (questions) and what questions and test techniques would you use to write. Justify your reasons in the report why you choose that materials and that specific techniques. Remember this is is differentiate student from leval pre-A1, A1 and A2, so the test shouldn’t be difficult, but you should also include something that is challenging to select out the high level students.