What is the author referring to here with this? 10. On page 14 the author writes, The achievement gap among different racial groups in the country has reached crisis proportions and is now a source of great concern for policymakers and educational leaders.

In comparing the two rubrics I see that two of the categories in Part 1 that were previously Developing have improved to Proficient. Appropriate sources, APA and Format is still developing, but the items that are indicated in the second feedback were also indicated in the first feedback: Accuracy of APA is inconsistentThere is misalignment between in-text citations and those in the reference list. In comparing the notes under the rubric, it seems to me that the first feedback gave more general directions (add analysis, edit APA errors, etc.). In the second feedback, the readers list specific areas that they believe could still be improved: 1. There are many instances in which the author includes short paragraphs (1-2 sentences) that need to be further developed. 2. The Multicultural Theories section needs a more fully developed introduction that presents the organization of this section of the paper. 3. The first and second paragraphs of the Psychological Influences section need to be further developed. They are currently too short. It is recommended that the author revisit existing literature to further develop the ideas presented (if this section is kept). 4. The introductory paragraph of the Current Issues and Challenges to Multicultural Education in the US is too short and needs to be further developed. It is recommended that the author present the organization of the section to the reader. 5. Banks & Banks (2009) is cited in text but not in references 6. Guild (2001) is listed in references but not cited in text. 7. APA formatting of in-text citations (both paraphrasing and direct quotations) is not consistent. Review APA manual. 8. Also, use of headings on pages 21-23 are not according to APA. 9. On page 6 author writes, Wagner (2013) notes that this is culturally embedded in US ideals. What is the author referring to here with this? 10. On page 14 the author writes, The achievement gap among different racial groups in the country has reached crisis proportions and is now a source of great concern for policymakers and educational leaders. What is the source for this claim? Regarding misalignment: this means that there are sources cited in your paper that are missing from the list of references and/or sources in the list of references that are never cited in the paper. All of your sources must appear in both places.