
GuidelinesPresent a strong, relevant thesis statement.Make a clear argument that is the focus of the entire essay.And make sure that it relates to the topic above.Use direct quotes and specific examples to support your thesis and properly cite the quotes (e.g. book number and line number, act number and line number, etc.).Use at least two different ancient sources and properly cite the sources.Do NOT not use outside sources. Focus on the primary sources we’ve read in the class. NOTE: the use of outside sources is forbidden and will result in a penalty of at least 15%, a letter grade and a half. If you do use an outside source, please cite it. Not citing it would constitute plagiarism, and the penalty for plagiarism has always been much worse than a 15% grade deduction.Make sure that your paper is in final draft form (e.g. appropriate level of formality, correct spelling, clean grammar, proper formatting, etc.).Cite passages in your essay and include a bibliography at the end of your essay. Follow the citation/bibliographic guidelines of MLA, Chicago, or APA.Literature can often be used as a socializing force. That is, a society will often use a text to reinforce social attitudes, to teach youths, and sometimes to oppress people. Similarly, a text can often have a socializing effect without intending to do so. Keep in mind that the reinforcement of social or cultural attitudes may happen without governmental leaders, parents/families, or individuals realizing it. For this topic, you must at least two of our assigned texts and discuss the ways these texts reinforce or challenge ancient Greco-Roman attitudes, ideologies, taboos, morals, etc. Some things to consider:• This topic will be easier if you choose your texts based on a similar theme. In other words, it will be very difficult to argue how Homer does X and Euripides does Y. Easier will be to show how Homer and Euripides both do Z. You are certainly not bound to Homer or Euripides.• Themes of punishment, reward, success, and failure might be good places to look for your theme.• Don’t forget to address the “why” behind this socializing in the texts you choose. Consider taking your argument beyond just what is reinforced, but why the writers might want to reinforce the issue.• Don’t forget to craft a careful and specific thesis statement around which you build your argument. This essay is not a place simply to list similarities and differences between books. Examine the issue and provide analysis to prove your central argument.