In this 46 page, well written and well-proofread, analytical paper you will apply chapter concepts to your visit to the MoT with an analysis emphasis. This assignment is worth up to sixty (60) points.
This assignment asks you to apply three key concepts from any chapter that we have covered so far this semester. They could be the IC flexibility; communicator competency; culture shock; the staircase model; variables in the value patterns and how their differences could cause clashes; ethnic identities and their influences on individuals; and/or aspects of cultural biases such as ethnocentrism, stereotyping, ingroup/outgroup boundaries, prejudice, discrimination, and racism.
Take three key concepts to apply them to what you learned and expand your knowledge of how the concepts are still important today. You can choose three different experiences/observation to use as examples of how you saw the concepts present or you can apply all three concepts to the same experience.
IReview of your time at MoT: Provide a brief summary of what you saw, did, and felt.
Example 1 + concept 1: Explain a particular experience/observation; introduce and define concept #1 used to analyze. Use the concept to analyze the experience/observation with explanatory depth.
Example 2 + concept 2: Explain a particular experience/observation (it can be the same as #1); introduce and define concept #2 used to analyze. Use the concept to analyze the experience/observation with explanatory depth
Example 3 + concept 3: Explain a particular experience/observation (it can be the same as #1 or #2); introduce and define concept #3 used to analyze. Use the concept to analyze the experience/observation with explanatory dept
Intercultural/interethnic communication IMPLICATIONS: Please note any meaningful observations or ah-ha moments you may have had during your visit or while writing this analysis. IN CONCLUSION: What are your overall evaluations of the experience? Favorable? Or unfavorable? Would you recommend the museum to others who want to learn about ICC obstacles, challenges, and/or vibrant richness? Conclude and stretch your creativity and imagination.
REFERENCES: Full citation of three SCHOLARLY sources and the UIC textbook.
GRADING CRITERIA: Well-organized paper format / breadth and depth of interpretations and rich examples used / tight connection between ICC concepts, explanation, and analysis / inspiring ideas, originality, and new insights gained / persuasive and strong writing style.