PHILOSOPHY TOPIC ANALYSIS (PTA) are designed to analyze the different philosophical topics presented in the course. Each of the PTA assignments should be submitted as a 3-page, double-spaced paper, not including the title and reference pages. Please keep paper submissions to no more than 5 pages. The paper needs at least one-inch margins and is to have a title and reference page (APA Style Manual). The PTA paper should include a minimum of three credible, unbiased sources such as the course textbook, academic journals, newspapers, magazines, etc. NO Wikipedia. The PTA papers should be submitted as a Microsoft Word 2016 or earlier document, in a Times New Roman 12 font format. Each of the PTA papers listed below are an assignment. In other words, PTA 1 requirements are listed after number 1 and PTA 2 requirements are listed after number 2, etc. Each PTA assignment is worth 15 points.
Students are required to write an in-depth essay (3-5 pages, excluding title and reference page) utilizing the SEE-I method of analysis (see Brightspace-Content-Course Resources-Additional Course Materials-SEE-I Handout pg. 1). Choose one of the following topics from the textbook (Chapter 1 The Nature of Philosophy, Chapter 2 Human Nature or Chapter 3 Reality of Being) listed below:
Chapter 1 Philosophy has traditionally pursued three kinds of questions: What is knowledge (epistemology)? What is real (metaphysics)? What is right and good (ethics)?, which of the philosophical theories do you agree or disagree? Why, or Why not? Please feel free to select one or multiple positions from the textbook.
Chapter 2 What view or views (Platos Rationalism, Aristotles Rationalism, Judeo-Christian, Augustines Synthesis, The Darwinian Challenge, The Existentialist Challenge and The Feminist Challenge) of human nature do you agree or disagree? Why, or Why not? Please feel free to select one or multiple views from the textbook.
Chapter 3 What perspective or perspectives (Materialism, Idealism, Pragmatism, Realism, Antirealism, Feminist Antirealism, Existentialism, etc.) of reality do you agree or disagree? Why, or Why not? Please feel free to select one or multiple perspectives from the textbook.