Mode: Management Programme Report (3000 words) SCENARIO The knowledge of how to manage pasture for equine use is essential for those students who plan to enter the equine industry. The theoretical basis for grassland management involves the study of soil science, grass species and mixtures, and grass production. In practice, grassland management includes fencing requirements, water supplies, drainage, forage conservation and pasture regeneration techniques. The provision of the best quality pasture and forage will maximise the health and production of those horses that are kept on the grassland. Using the enclosed details of Common Leys farm UK (Appendix A/Farm Plan1), imagine that you have sole charge of the land. You are responsible for advising the college on types and numbers of horses that the land can support throughout the year. You are also responsible for the management of the grazing and forage production on the farm. You have access to any machinery and other grazing stock that may be applicable. TASK 1) (70% 2000 words) Provide an annual land maintenance programme for the farm indicating which fields will be used throughout the year and for what purpose. You must critically analyse methods of pasture management to maximise grass growth and condition (for example; rolling, harrowing, topping, seeding, fertiliser use and application, herbicide use and application), and outline the times at which this will occur throughout the year. You must investigate the methods that you have chosen to use with reference to the effects of inadequate pasture management on the health and production of animals grazing on it using contemporary research. TASK 2) (30% 750-1000 words As part of your role as stud manager you are also responsible for producing most of the hay/haylage to be used on the farm. Within your annual grassland management programme you must also allocate fields for this purpose indicating your chosen management practices to maximise the quality and quantity of forage produced. You must describe the production process that will be used for the forage that you have selected, including timings throughout the year that events will occur. Breakdown of marks Task 1 – 70% Task 2 – 30% NB in your report you must met the following outcomes: – 1. Evaluate principles of grass growth and production in relation to equine nutritional requirements 2. Analyse and evaluate methods of pasture fertilisation, use of herbicides, conservation techniques and management of pasture to maximise grass growth and condition 3. Design and evaluate pasture management programmes for use on equine enterprises 4. Investigate the effects of inadequate pasture management on the health and production of the animals grazing upon it REFERENCES- Harvard style referencing (40-50 academic references) NB- Plan1, plan2, some journal articles and a sample report is attached Remember- (in your report everything must be linked to horses health/ nutrition, i.e which horse goes where and why/ for broodmare which hay you are going to give and why/when/always justify)