This discussion revolves around the events covered in Amy Gilman Srebnick’s The Mysterious Death of Mary Rogers: Sex and Culture in Nineteenth-Century New York.
During the Market Revolution, women found greater freedom in the expanding cities than in rural and small-town America.
Drawing upon the narrative presented in Amy Gilman Srebnicks The Mysterious Death of Mary Rogers, identify two or three themes that support your side of the argument, and illustrate your analysis with examples from the book.
The debate will go through two phases:
First Phase
For the first phase each member of your team will have posted a statement of 300-350 words, making the case for his or her side in the debate.
your position:
Affirmative position – During the Market Revolution, women found greater freedom in the expanding cities than in rural and small-town America.
Foner text, Give Me Liberty! An American History.
Foner text, Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History.