Dissemination & Culture Management

Follow: Appendix C Discussion Board Topics and Grading Rubric (CLOs 1, 2, 3 and 5)
Assignment: Discussion Board: Culture Management
See detailed instructions in Appendix C
Week 8 DB: Dissemination & Culture Management
Graded work due this week (1 of 1, appendix C):

Discussion Board: Culture Management

This week, we will address the following objectives:
CLOs 5 & 6

Porter-O’Grady and Malloch (2014) Quantum Leadership Chapter 14 (course text)

See detailed instructions in

Initial Post: a position or thoughts supported by evidence and literature regarding this weeks topic.

This week, we will address the following objectives:
CLOs 5 & 6
Porter-O’Grady and Malloch (2014) Quantum Leadership Chapter 14 (course text)
Assignment: Discussion Board: Culture Management

Follow Appendix C Rubric for this assignment:

Address all this Questions:

1: As a leader, discuss how will you communicate shared vision,
2: Address fear of change and include everyone who needs to be involved.
3: Analyze some of your own personal concerns about making your innovation happen.
4: Discuss the type of preparation will you need to do for both internal and external stakeholders.
Review at least 2 of your classmate’ posts to see how you may differ or be comparable in your approach.

This week, we will address the following objectives:
Leadership Qualities
CLO 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

Attached Files:
Martin_How Successful Leaders Think_2007.pdf Martin_How Successful Leaders Think_2007.pdf – Alternative Formats (187.157 KB)
Martin article (.pdf copy above)

Porter-O’Grady and Malloch (2014) Quantum Leadership Chapters 2 & 10 (course text)

Maxwell (1999) Indispensable Qualities of a Leader – entire book (course text)