Describe and discuss Lou Ann’s parents, their courtship, marriage and relationship.

Loss for Words” Text Response/Reflection PaperText Response/Reflection Paper Assignment Instructions:• Read the required reading.• Write paper in essay format using college level writing and be sure to include all of the components within your essay.• Must be at least 1000 words, 4 pages double-spaced of your own words 12-point font size (not including directions and questions).• If you use quotations or paraphrase closely be sure to use citations.• Be sure to include your name on your paper.• Submit electronically.• Reflection Papers must be handed in on time.• Late assignments will have up to 1 point taken off per day if handed in late.As you read through the book “Loss for Words” by Lou Ann Walker reflect up on the author’s experience growing up as a CODA (Hearing Child of Deaf Parents). Include your reaction to the book and reflect upon how it might feel if you were a CODA.Be sure to include the following:1. Describe and discuss Lou Ann’s parents, their courtship, marriage and relationship.2. Describe and discuss Lou Ann’s role in her family during her growing up years.3. Describe Lou Ann’s experiences going off to college and then living and working in New York City.4. By the end of the book how did Lou Ann’s perspective of her parents change and how did that affect her relationship with them?