Assignment instructions In HDU, on the morning of day 2 of Mrs. Wilsons admission to hospital, you are required to provide a comprehensive handover of Mrs. Wilson to a multi-disciplinary team (for the purposes of this paper, this handover will be more comprehensive than in real life). Your assignment will be a documentation of this handover, and must include: 1.Background and history of the patient (make it short) .2.Your current assessment of the patient in HDU. You may want to go through primary and secondary survey. If data is absent, state that you would do a particular assessment to gain that data, why and what you findings you would be expecting 3.Demonstrate your level of advanced knowledge by describing in depth the pathophysiology of her condition, including signs and symptoms and the pharmacological treatment of the condition she has which is the highest priority. 4.high dependency units contain a variety of technical resources. Provide an argument for monitoring and/or further diagnostic tests for the patient (this could be a discussion in favour of further specialized monitoring equipment or against) an individualized nursing care plan of one (1) or two (2) of Mrs. Wilson’s problems/nursing diagnosis. Include goals, interventions and how you will evaluate Mrs. Vedlos the management of Mrs. Wilson. Were there any missed assessments? Has she received the correct pharmacological management during her admission? please find attached case study of Mrs. Wilson marking guide and instructions