compare and contrast quantitative vs. qualitative research approaches including how they are similar and different. Be sure to address why and when each is used, discuss ALL of the different types (designs) of each.

This is a research class so far I don’t understaND ONE CRAP AND WHY IS THIS CLASS IMPORTING FOR NURSING STUDENTS. she gave the class a home work two article to figure out what it is qualitative or quantitative and ask about what where the primary and secondary sources. I got a zero going to resubmit the paper to see if I can get a better grade. also I would try to put the two articles as well she gave to read.

Qualitative Article

Kolada, F. (2016). The lived experience of minority nursing faculty: A phenomenological study. Journal of Professional Nursing, 32,107-114.

Quantitative Article

McGillion, M.H., Watt-Watson, J., Stevens, B., LeFort, S.M., Coyte, P., & Graham, A. (2008). Randomized controlled trial of a psychoecducation program for the self-management of chronic cardiac pain. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 36

(2), 126-140. https://dx.doi/10.1016/jpainsymman.2007.09.015

This was the article for the homework she wanted us to evaluate she talked about in class the different between qualitative and quantitative I am so lost please help me.

From the reading and lectures so far: compare and contrast quantitative vs. qualitative research approaches including how they are similar and different. Be sure to address why and when each is used, discuss ALL of the different types (designs) of each, how each is appraised, characteristics of each approach. Make sure to be thorough and to give examples of types of research questions each would answer and the major differences between them.

This should be a 1 or 2 page overview that addresses all of the discussion question. It will count as half of your discussion points (2.5 points) for the course. Must have reference to your book at minimum