Choose one specific thing that is being affected by climate change and report on it, beginning with what McKibben reports in The End of Nature and following through with research on the state of that thing now.

Climate change is affecting every aspect of life on the planet, from water and food supplies(for humans and all other species) to infrastructure, communities, and politics- the list is endless. Choose one specific thing that is being affected by climate change and report on it, beginning with what McKibben reports in The End of Nature and following through with research on the state of that thing now. As you find out what is happening, explore arguments for solutions and report on which one or ones you find the most reasonable. Your thesis should state the problem and should forecast a report on what solutions are possible and which makes the most sense. How to do it: 1. Your introduction paragraph should provide background and context information related to the book. You need to introduce the book and the author. (Think 5Ws and H) 2. Your thesis statement, at the end of your introduction paragraph, needs to answer the prompt question. Your thesis needs to have your argument about the issue and it needs to answer the “so what” question: why does your argument matter? 3. Your body paragraphs need to make specific points that support your thesis. Your body paragraphs should each be supported from evidence- both from The End of Nature and two highly credible secondary sources. 4. As you incorporate evidence into your essay, make sure you use at least three direct quotes from the book and at least one direct quote and one paraphrase (total) for your outside sources. 5. Analyze the evidence you present to your reader and make a clear connection between your evidence and the point you are making in your paragraphs, as well as your thesis. 6. Your conclusion paragraph will draw together the main insights of your essay and connect them to a larger argument about climate change. 7. Correct MLA formatting, including document formatting and in-text citations and a works cited page in correct MLA format.